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About Us

The George Agricultural show is the flagship of the Outeniqua Show Society.  The Outeniqua Show Society was established in 1861 and the first agricultural show was held in February 1862.  In 1859 the governor, Sir George Grey approved state funds of which £300 were allocated to “Big Shows”.  Today the George Agricultural show is still a “big show” with nearly 18 000 visitors who visited the show in 2018.

We stand tall, we learn, we move forward, WE GROW. We aim to host a successful and diversified annual Agricultural Show that will go from strength to strength to become one of the biggest events in the Western Cape.

We want to create a show that will ensure that sponsors, exhibitors and visitors mark their calendars as the event of the year to attend. To achieve this, we will focus on the

Promotion and supporting of transformation and development initiatives

Diversifying of our services by showcasing agricultural, industrial, commercial and other exhibitions

Expansion and promotion of our different categories in farming, cattle breeding and agriculture in general as well as arts and crafts and for the fairer sex exhibitors who specialise in the finer things of life

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